Crompton Halliwell


Wills - Crompton Halliwell

Wills are very important and without one you have little control of how your estate is distributed when you die. Wills are designed to nominate the right person to deal with your estate to make sure that it passes to the right person.

Unmarried partners cannot inherit from each other unless it is in their Will to do so, therefore this could cause financial problems for the remaining partner.

Making a Will lets you distribute your money and possessions how you wish.

Having a Will in place can also make it easier for your family and friends to sort out your belongings as without it can be a stressful and time consuming process.

Life Interest Trust Wills are particularly useful to protect the survivor from assets being assessed for benefits or care if they should subsequently lose capacity.

Inheritance Tax Planning
If you do not make legal provisions to protect your family’s future assets then the estate could be liable to pay inheritance tax which is 40% payable on the excess of the nil rate band limit which is currently £325,000.00.

See here for a Wills Fees Guide and for more information speak with a member of our Wills and Inheritance team on 0161 797 9222.


Buying or selling a property can be a stressful and extremely time consuming experience. Our team help provide clients with clear and easy to understand information.


The role of an Executor can be daunting as an Executor is the only person who is entitled to administer an estate. The Executor is held personally liable for any mistakes made.


Wills are very important and without one you have little control of how your estate is distributed when you die. Making a Will lets you distribute your money and possessions how you wish.

Power of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legally binding document which enables you to choose a person or persons, that you trust, to deal with your affairs in the future should you become either physically or mentally incapable.


A Trust is a vehicle used to enable a chosen, trusted person (Trustee) to hold an asset in their protection for the benefit of another. Trusts can be complex , we therefore recommend you seek advice from our team of highly trained experts.

Employment Law

If a relationship between employee and employer breaks down, one solution is to enter into a 'Settlement Agreement'. This is a legally binding agreement that allows the employee to gain an agreed tax free lump sum whilst in return agreeing not to proceed with their case.

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