Crompton Halliwell Solicitors

Land Registry

Land Registry output ‘higher than before the pandemic’

A conveyancing firm has told the Gazette it is struggling to manage client expectations due to Land Registry delays – as the agency claims that its output is higher now than before the pandemic. One frustrated conveyancer told the Gazette: ‘One of the most challenging aspects of the delays at Land Registry is the inconsistency between the estimated […]

Land Registry output ‘higher than before the pandemic’ Read More »

First Welsh council joins Land Registry’s digital register

Swansea has become the first of 22 Welsh local authorities to move its local land charges data to a digital, central database designed to speed up the conveyancing process. HM Land Registry announced that the addition of City and County of Swansea Council, as well as Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, Isle of Wight Council, Portsmouth

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